Thermographic and Disinfecting Door Systems
LaMarco Security Solutions
Thermographic and Disinfecting Door Systems
Our solution provides -4 layers of protection through thermographic scanning, disinfecting ozone, far-UVC and vaporized non-harmful disinfectant. Designed to be assured with the fastest throughput. Disinfecting door systems provide a thorough way to screen all entrants into your building ensuring NO symptomatic people make it inside.

Features and Capabilities:
When it comes to your business, preventing unauthorized visitors, managing invited guests, and tracking employees’ entry or exit during evacuations is essential to safety.
- Simple motion detection turn on system allows each entrant to be properly disinfected in approximately 10-12 seconds. The Sigouros 1.0 Door System has the following main elements of disinfection;
- Facial recognition (for easy employee entrance)
- Thermal scanning (for accurate body temperature screening)
- Overhead ozone at 3 parts per million
- far-UVC 222nm (4 areas of the unit)
- far-UVC 208nm (2 areas of the unit)
- Atomized disinfecting vents
- All records can be stored locally or on a cloud. The system comes with server deployment software and encryption software. You can set up the destruction of these data records based on the local laws of your state.