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Top 5 Technologies That Help Businesses Future-Proof Their Security

As our world becomes more technology-driven by the day, it is only natural to consider the different ways you can optimize your security measures. There are several viable options, from door access control to remote working models.

Technology aside, many companies must adjust to the new demand and wave of working from home. For instance, due to the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses were forced to operate online and employ staff to work from home. As a result, many companies found that they made greater profits as office bills decreased. 

So, when we came out of the other side of the pandemic, many companies decided to set up a hybrid working model, meaning that staff came in on certain days of the week and worked from home on the others. 

Whether your business is hybrid, remote or in-house, there are several options you can choose to future-proof your business security. In this article, we will take you through the various ways of doing this to ensure you won’t be left behind as technologies continue to develop and adapt. 


The top 5 future-proofing technologies 

To future-proof your security, it is best to look into the various technology options you can use. Today, we will cover 5 of the top technologies that are reliable and helpful to your company; 


Smart desk management

Project management tools are fundamental for any company with staff members working in a hybrid model. As your staff have adjusted to working from home over the past couple of years, it may be difficult for them to settle back into life in an office. 

Small businesses and offices may face difficulty with the lack of desks. This is particularly apparent in hybrid working models, as employees can often come in and out of the office on days that suit them. You can start using smart desk management to prevent employees from turning up and having no available desk space. 

Smart desk management is a way to book desks in the office by providing employees with an interface with the office floor plan so that they can see which desks are booked and organize where they sit. 


Visitor management

Managing who visits and utilizes the facilities within your workplace is a great way to establish a good workflow for yourself and your colleagues. Using a management system will allow you to oversee which facilities are used by various team members. For example, maybe you have three printers in the office, but only one gets used daily. This will help you understand which areas of office life are working and if there are any areas for improvement.

You can also manage visitors that enter your workplace by using a video intercom system which you can access from home or in the office. This will help you easily keep tabs on who entered the building at certain times on certain days. 


Automated wellness verification

The last thing any manager wants is for the whole team to come down with a nasty virus. Sending automated wellness verifications and surveys to your team will allow you to keep track of your team’s general wellbeing while preventing viruses from spreading.

Wellness surveys can also help with team morale, as checking in with your colleagues will make them feel appreciated and like you actually care about their health!


Touchless and keyless access control systems

If you are a business that wants to keep a hub or office open for your staff to use either as a hybrid or full in-house model, you may worry about putting your team at risk of illnesses. Most viruses are spread through airborne interactions, so it is a good idea to keep your workplace well ventilated and spacious when possible.

However, you can eliminate the risk of spreading illness and viruses through physical touch by setting up a touchless door access control system. Use a provider that allows you to choose between systems that only require phone and Bluetooth recognition for credentials or a video intercom system that offers a slightly more advanced design while enabling you to see and hear who requests access. All options are designed securely, eliminating door access requiring physical touch. 


Integrated video access control 

A great way to reduce the risk of physical breaches and liabilities that do occur if a breach happens is by integrating your access control system with a video design.

If someone were to come into your building that shouldn’t have access, you would be able to go back through the video log and assess the footage.

The video system uses cloud storage which can be backed up and deleted, so you don’t need to worry about withholding video conversations that aren’t important. 



In this article, we have covered five valuable ways that you can future-proof security measures while making your workplace a fun and safe environment for your staff and visitors. From managing on-site visitors to keeping track of your team’s wellness, there are definitive ways that you can incorporate technology and security into your working model.