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Our Web Report Service is an innovative web-based solution which guarantees timely fire alarm and security system inspections and maintenance that are fully documented in accordance with regulatory standards. Inspection results are audited online and reviewed for certification. It is intelligent compliance designed by industry experts that produces accurate, verifiable results you can trust.

LaMarCo Systems, Inc. guarantees your information is secure. Only you have access to view data and reports in your account. Inspection data cannot be modified. Servers are vigorously protected with encryption and firewall technologies. Multiple data-backups daily, offpremise records archiving, and instant records retrieval further secure your investment.


LaMarCo Systems, Inc. offer a Leasing Program to help businesses manage cash flow. Commercial customers can start using LaMarCo services and equipment without any up-front costs.The LaMarCo Systems Leasing Program enables companies to have the security they need today for increased efficiency and profitability while allowing payment with future revenues. To learn more about the benefits of Web Report Services or Leasing options, call the LaMarCo security experts at 1-847-239-7590 or e-mail

LaMarCo Systems, Inc. is your total security solutions provider. Whether you need business security services, a home alarm system, or an integrated control system for multiple locations, we have the experience, the latest technology and versatility to handle all of your security needs. We don’t just sell equipment. We design, install and service protection systems to address your specific needs. LaMarCo Systems knows what a business needs to stay safe in today’s precarious world. We stay on the cutting edge of security system technology and design in order to provide personalized, state-of-the-art protection system solutions to keep your business secure. We do more than safeguard your business – we protect your commercial future.


For the ultimate level of protection, LaMarCo provides central station monitoring from EMERgency24, an Underwriters Laboratories central station with branches across the United States. Central station monitoring service adds an extra layer of safety to your security system. While a security system itself is an excellent theft deterrent, a home with a monitored security system is 15 times less likely to be burglarized compared to a Itonre ~vithorrot ne. Only with a monitored system can you summon help by pressing a panic button linked to a phone line or radio transmitter. A monitored alarm system can also allow you to summon help discreetly should an intruder ambush you and force you to turn off the system.