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Why Fire Alarm System Inspection and Testing is Important

Your fire alarm system is actually a life safety system which also provides property protection, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. In order for the system to operate and communicate alarms properly, it needs to be tested and maintained regularly. Some system impairments can go unnoticed, causing system component damage or rendering it unable to respond properly in an emergency.

Some other key points to consider are:

  • Testing is required (it is the law) by National Fire Alarm Code! (N.F.P.A. 72)
  • Your insurance company, local municipality, Building Department and/or Fire Department usually requires proof of inspection annually.
  • Building occupants expect a fire alarm system to help offer them a safe environment.
  • An impaired system increases your liability for claims by tenants, employees, customers, etc.
  • Your insurance carrier could reject a claim if you do not have proof of annual inspections.
  • Left ignored severe system impairments can lead to business interruption or closure by the authorities.
  • Inspection and testing can offer the benefit of extending the manufacture’s equipment warranty as is the case with the EST line of fire alarm equipment sold by UTC Technologies.

In closing, a fire alarm system is composed of many different parts that vary in technology and require unique testing procedures. Only a licensed fire alarm contractor with knowledge of factory recommended procedures should perform these tests for your system.

By: Marat Sedenkov

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